Mountain huts

Rifugio Cevedale G. Larcher

Altitude 2608 m/s.l.m.

Municipality Pejo

Mountain group
Ortles Cevedale

Val Venezia

Guides and maps

Mountaineering guide: BUSCAINI, Gino, Ortles-Cevedale: Stelvio National Park, Milan, CAI, TCI, 1984 (Guide of the Mountains of Italy) Hiking guide: VALCANOVER, Adolfo – DEFLORIAN, Tarcisio, Guide of the paths and refuges of Western Trentino, Trento, SAT, 1994 Cartography: – Ortles-Cevedale Ortlergebiet, Feletto Umberto (UD), Tabacco, [199-?], scale 1:25.000 (Topographic map for hikers; 08) – KOMPASS maps in scale 1:25.000 n. 636 “Ortles-Stelvio Pass-Valfurva” and n. 637 “Cevedale-Valley of Peio-Alta Valfurva”.


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